If you want a wire-free solder job for your GBA SP CleanScreen and keep it as clean as possible with a detachable ribbon connection, this ribbon allows for fully repair-ability/service-ability without any desoldering.
4 Items are required to complete this mod for GBA SP.
- 1x Button Ribbon for GBA SP CleanScreen
- To install the Game Boy Advance SP CleanScreen just remove the old screen and connect the CleanScreen. Optionally solder a handful of pads onto the board with no wires (if you use the optional wire-free kit) to enable the on screen menu. Install can be done in a matter of minutes.
- The CleanScreen can be installed without trimming anything, but to achieve a perfect seal with the frame, the plastic dimples should be trimmed and sanded down. This is fully optional, as the difference is extremely small to begin with, and is only recommended if you want to have it perfectly flush against the frame or use a dust-guard kit to ensure no dust can ever come between the screen and the lens.
- Install guide available at https://retrosix.wiki/ and https://youtube.com/retrosix
- Created by RetroSix.